Salesforce Audit Services & Accelerators

Understand the state of your Salesforce instance proactively

Determine where technology can hold teams back from delivering on customer centricity, and how to move forward

Since 2015 USSG has helped improve the user experience of thousands of Salesforce users and solved complex system issues for multiple businesses. This expert background helps us deliver exceptional Salesforce assessment and audit services supported by strong Salesforce ecosystem knowledge and commitment to client success.
You’ve been using your CRM for a while, you had invested much time, money, and resources into it, yet don’t feel its implementation is yielding the desired outcomes.
An audit of your org by USSG, will be able to identify the issues hampering user adoption and low payback from your CRM initiative, prevent potential security and data leakage issues, evaluate overall Org health, and get a detailed plan for its optimization.

Common Challenges that Salesforce Assessment and Audit by USSG can help resolve for your business?

How We can Drive You to Better CRM Health and Performance?

We at USSG appreciate that you are busy running your business and don’t have the luxury of time to chase and fix system bugs. Our team of Salesforce certified consultants possess all the necessary expertise and knowledge to remove all the complexities connected with using Salesforce and bring more certainty to your platform. USSG as your Salesforce assessor can bring your user experience to a new level of efficiency. We shall cover the main problem areas and provide you with detailed to-dos to remediate these issues and help you hit your goals faster.

Salesforce Lightning Readiness Assessment

Ready to switch to Salesforce’s Lightning experience? We can help you migrate from the Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning, by following the transition best practices and convert the Visual force page into Lightning pages.

Security & Vulnerability Assessment

Make your CRM fully compliant with Salesforce security standards and your valuable data protected from misuse. We shall validate the user role hierarchy, profiles, and permissions and run Salesforce risk assessment, vulnerability, and penetration tests to ensure your Salesforce org is safe.

Pardot Audit

Elevate your marketing effectiveness with completely fine-tuned Pardot (Account Engagement) automation. Our consultants will thoroughly audit your email templates, forms, and landing pages to revitalize them.

CRM Health Check

Don’t get your data locked in a malfunctioning CRM. We’ll run a Salesforce Org health assessment and provide a comprehensive analysis of your current implementation and if these follow Salesforce’s best practices.

Salesforce Technical Assessment

A technical CRM audit will give you a detailed review of your standard/custom object schema, system configurations, user field dependency, and formula field layout configurations. Also, we’ll assess the code against quality standards to prevent performance issues.

Salesforce Data Assessment

If your CRM is infested with inaccurate, duplicated, or erroneous data, we help you with data cleanup, normalization, deduplication, enrichment and provide data that is synchronized across domains.

System Integration

USSG consultants can help you identify integration opportunities or challenges and solve connection issues with other Salesforce Clouds, third-party solutions, or CRM systems.

Reports & Dashboards Review

Our administrators will vet your reports and dashboards to check they are well-organized and display essential business metrics with some visually appealing graphics.

User Adoption Inspection

Many a time you shall notice that Your Salesforce instance can start piling data in silos. This normally happens because some of your users avoid using Salesforce. We review user activity, usage statistics, and login history to help identify usage gaps. To ensure that your Salesforce CRM meets user needs, we shall analyze your business processes for further automation opportunities, optimization and ease of use for higher adoption.

Salesforce Maturity Assessment & Release Readiness Checkup

For you to take complete advantage of all new releases, patches, updates & features, our consultants will help you stay on top of what’s new in Salesforce and prepare your CRM for them. Our Consultants shall also guide you with a personalized experience through organizational optimization and aligning platform features with your business goals.

Salesforce Accelerators

Get Ready to Maximize Your Productivity With Our Accelerators & Salesforce components.
Our experience tells us that cutting across domains and industry, there are still multiple business processes that are almost nearly similar to each other. After having implemented Salesforce across domains, we have found that on many occasions we were reinventing the same wheel again and again. The most common areas of where we see such similarities are in the Sales Executives Journey Planners, their Travel reimbursement process automation, tracking field sales executives and channel management. This encouraged us to develop some Salesforce accelerators or components that can be reused with minor tweaks at other customer salesforce orgs. This approach can help us reduce the time to market for the customers and obviously effort and overall project cost. Some of our salesforce components are:

Journey Planner

The entire weekly & monthly Travel journey planner automation is available and can be implemented at any customer place with minor tweaks based on your requirements. This component has the complete process, starting from submission to approvals and actual travel.

Expense Management

The travel and other expenses reimbursement process is automated and ready for use. This component can be integrated with the journey planner and can be automated based on eligibility criteria, bands, and budgets. This can be further integrated with the back-end ERP accounts module to track its status up to closure to create a seamless experience for sales & the finance team in creating high visibility and transparency in this process.

Field Sales Tracking Application

Are you finding it difficult to track your field sales team on a day-to-day basis? USSG can help you by automating your Field Salesforce Travel and channel visit activity very discreetly using our Field sales Tracking component. This app. provides clear visibility to the Managers in real time, irrespective of the field conditions- even if the Sales executive is in a location with no connectivity. This feature has helped many customers in drastically increasing the field salesforce productivity and cut on unproductive costs.

Channel partners

Are your Channel partners constantly complaining about lack of visibility on material movement after they remit payments for billing? Using our Salesforce Experience cloud component, we can integrate your Channel partners, with select information access (you will decide what they can access) with your internal Salesforce application. By doing this your channel partners gain in confidence as now they can see all stages of their billing operations, from order creation to invoicing, to dispatch and expected time of arrival of material at their location. They have better visibility on case management status too. They have better control now.

We Care for Community

From our inception, USSG, has dedicated more than 1% of their product and employee time for the betterment of nonprofits in and outside the Salesforce ecosystem. By aligning our efforts with Pledge 1%, USSG, a Salesforce Consulting Partner, is excited to join this network of founders, entrepreneurs and companies around the globe that are committed to giving back.

Our Salesforce Expert Consultants are Trained & certified to the Highest Level

Placing People at the Forefront

We leverage human-centered design principles to drive innovation in our digital platform and software engineering solutions

Placing People at the Forefront

We leverage human-centered design principles to drive innovation in our digital platform and software engineering solutions
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